Passions & Accomplishments ​
Well-being is one of my passions. I've studied various holistic wellness modalities. I focus on natural healing principles for the mind, heart, body and soul. A desire to heal the body morphed into the desire for longevity methods & healthy lifestyle. In my world this is Personal Transformation, Mindfulness, Health as Nature Intended it and Plant-Based-Nutrition.
Lella is an Instructor and Director at the Pure Energy Healing Academy, one of the best energy-healing programs in the world. She has been a personal coach with a prestigious training & development organization. Her approach with private clients is unique to their personal goals.​
Lella is a multifaceted artist, an award winning actor, director and writer. She is most fond of the play she wrote, produced and acted in: a one-woman-show about Frida Kahlo in New York's Theatre District, directed by the legendary Susan Batson. It was a manifestation and law of attraction at its finest. I travelled to Mexico for my character research and met the families of Frida Kahlo & Diego Rivera - no introductions or special connections.
While living and performing in New York City and Los Angeles, my spiritual coach introduced me to the beautiful energy of crystals, self love and the law of attraction. This fueled my curiosity for manifesting goals, expanding my intuition and strengthening myself from the inside out.​
One of Lella's ventures is a beautiful crystal-jewelry & incense shop
Request to be notified about holistic retreats. Request Lella to Create & Curate a retreat for your large or private group with tailored program.​
Through innovative and intuitive work Lella has helped entrepreneurs multiply their revenue through a unique transformational approach. Submit your request for collaboration via email:
​Hi Beautiful,
Thank you for being here connecting with me and my content. Through my articles, podcast, videos, art and offers, I share the wisdom and experiences that I've gathered over the years as I pursued my passions. I work in the arts, startups and ancient healing practices. Everyone has a story and I believe my stories are not as important as the lessons they've taught me. I've opened my heart and studio to share nuggets of wisdom to help you along your path of personal transformation; to empower you with tools and actionable inspiration. ​​
This is the part where I should describe who I am and what I do. In a world of singular expertise I don't fit in. I'm a creative polymath seeking to express my soul's whispers in as many mediums as I can master. I enjoy seasons of acting, writing, directing, producing, photographing, preparing vegan delicacies for my friends & clients, helping people on their healing journey, brainstorming sessions with entrepreneurs on new business ventures, tending to my vegetable garden and fruit orchards, connecting to nature and animals, renovating a country estate, traveling, swimming, dancing, reading, yoga, dreaming with heart, mind & eyes wide open, enjoying all things beautiful from classical music to stopping to smell the scent of flowers... and of course being a good Samaritan when I hear the calling.

Some roles I chose and some chose me. We all play the role of a creator in our life. By the thoughts we allow, the feelings we choose, actions we take, the habits we keep, by the choices we make, beliefs we hold and the values we stand for. ​​​​​​